On February 23rd, 2018, we held a public-open event called “Facts and Tasks that visualization of Renewable Eergy clarifies.”
Videos of the event will be available in Japanese language.
First, Senior Reseacher at ISEP, Mr. Noriaki Yamashita, being charge of lauching this website, showed several features and usage of this website. Subsequently, Executive Dirctor of ISEP, Mr. Tetsunari Iida explained the difference in the supply and demand management situation for each electric power company and the important points for policy proposal. Lastly, Professor Yo Yasuda from Kyoto University explains the transparency and the disclosure of data, and the problems of grid capacity entitled “Transparency and Grid Capacity Problem, Market Failure and Government Failure”.
During our discussions, we raised many issues including renewable energy policy and transparency, priority access. We got two comments for further development of ISEP energy chart.
- If we can display both the supply and demand situation and the data of electricity market, it is possible to see the influence of renewable energy on the elecricity price.
- It would be useful to display the usage of collective status of the interconnection lines on the Japan map?
If you have any ideas for visualizing such energy data, please send it through the inquiry section to ISEP website.