Electricity Generation and Demand - Nationwide
  • Area Demand
  • Geothermal
  • Biomass
  • Hydro
  • Wind
  • Solar PV
  • Nuclear
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Pumped Hydro
  • Interconnection
  • Solar PV Curtailment
  • Wind Curtailment


Select power source to display
  • By clicking on any power source in the legend at the top of the graph, you can hide or show the power generation of that power source from the graph. You can select multiple power sources to hide or to show.
Display of power generation amount details
  • By placing the cursor on the graph, you can see details of power generation by power source at that time. The unit of electricity generation is MWh (= 1,000 kWh).
About each energy source
  • “Area demand” is calculated from the accumulation of the output of each generator (sending-end output *). (* The output actually delivered to the power grid. It is the value of sending-end which deducts the amount of electricity demand at the power station and the amount of self consumption for roof-top solar PV generation.)
  • Area demand and solar PV do not include self-consumption of solar power generation. (In area demand, self-consumption of solar power generation appears as a decrease in demand)
  • “Fossil Fuels” includes LNG (liquefied natural gas) / LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), coal, oil, biomass co-firing and unknown-power supply.
  • Biomass does not include co-firing with fossil fuels.
  • “Hydro” does not include pumped hydro.
  • “Pumped Hydro” is the sum of the electricity generation and the amount of pumped-up power. Pumped Hydro is indicated by a positive value when generating electricity, and a negative value when storing electricity by pumping.
  • “Interconnection” is displayed with a positive value when receiving electric power from outside the area and a negative value when sending electric power outside the area.
  • Solar PV Curtailment and Wind Curtailment instructs to stop the operation of solar power and wind power when the supply-demand balance becomes tight, and it shows the electric energy which those power plants were supposed to produce. (Curtailment of solar PV is executed since October 2018.)
  • Power generation includes sestimated results.
  • The sum of supply and demand may not match due to rounding processing and other processes.
  • The total amount of supply may not be 100% due to rounding.
About pumped hydro and Plus/Minus indication of interconnection
  • When the demand is low and there is excess supply, pumped hydro stores energy by pumping up water with electricity. At this time, pumped hydro is displayed as a negative value at the bottom of the graph. On the other hand, when the supply is likely to run short, pumped hydro is displayed as a positive value because it generates electricity by moving the water down.
  • Interconnection is displayed as a negative value at the bottom of the graph when the selected area is exporting power from the area outside the area. On the contrary, when electricity is imported from outside the area, it is displayed as a positive value.